Autumn Term News

Keep up to date with what is happening in school with our weekly newsletters:

Friday 13th September 2024

New School Year

Welcome back to all staff and pupils for a new school term.

We are pleased to welcome 11 new pupils to Forden School (nine in Reception and two in Year 6). We hope they enjoy their time here, achieve their potential and make many friends and lasting memories.

Parent Forum

There will be a Parent Forum on Monday 23rd September in the Community Centre at 2:30pm. This is open to all parents and is an opportunity to discuss aspects of school.

Items to discuss – new reading programme in school, school banner (final design), open school sessions, events/fundraisers this term, ASC hours.

Please come along – all welcome.

Parent / Teacher meetings

There is an opportunity for parents of new pupils and pupils in Year 3 and Year 5 to meet their class teacher on Monday 23rd September. Please book a time through the link sent with the newsletter.


Congratulations to Alexa, Amelia M, Sancia and Robert for completing a level on Lexia.

As your child has moved up a year group, their Lexia username has changed. This may need updating on devices at home.

Forden Bike Show

This event is a HUGE fundraiser for the school – please come along and support this event.

School staff will be selling refreshments (tea/coffee/cake) in the community centre. Any donations of cake would be greatly apprecciated.

Past newsletters

Friday 13th September 2024